Day Spa 60 min / 90 min
Day Spa is a spa package included face treatment and body treatment. Ideal for deep relax and take care of your body and face at the same time.
We create 3 different Day Spa:
Day Spa Relax from 69 € 60 min / 79 € 90 min
Day Spa Re-hydra 89€ 60 min / 99€ 90 min
Day Spa Anti-Age 99€ 60 min / 109 € 90 min
Try our Day Spa and Enjoy.
ANTI-AGE Treatment
Face Massage promotes oxygen and blood flow in our skin. Not only does this result in reducing puffiness, it also creates a brighter skin tone and appearance. The massage will also increase collagen production, which prevents the formation of wrinkles. You can call it the “natural face lift”.
Try our Face Massages and Anti-Age treatment for your Natural Face Lift.